Dial-up the Impact of Your DEI Programs

Connect S2E helps organizations deliver the highest impact out of their Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) programs through Project and Change Management.

a group of people sitting around a table with laptops

Connect S2E is certified as a minority business enterprise (MBE) with the Supplier Diversity Office ('SDO') in the state of Massachusetts.

Why we started Connect S2E

Too often DEI programs today are check-box endeavors with little to no connection to strategy.

DEI programs lack deep, lasting impact on the organization's performance as they have limited connection to real work.

For DEI to have true impact, organizations MUST show how DEI improves their core strategy, performance of teams by doing real transformational work – projects.

Projects are the most powerful forum for DEI


Projects are how organizations improve, change and transform.


Clients can use real projects as the platform to deliver transformational DEI.


We call it DEIP© Change – Diversity, Equity and Inclusion through Projects.

Providing our clients with smart solutions

We call it DEIP© Change – Diversity, Equity and Inclusion through Projects.

Projects are a critical platform for implementing DEI change – redesigning roles, changing mindsets, advancing new ideas and principles.

a group of people sitting around a table with laptops

Shift mindsets, behaviors and practices

“Connecting DEIP to project management and strategy execution is a brilliant move – we never would have thought of. It will have a profound impact on strategy, culture and performance.”

headshot of jack

Jack Calhoun

CEO & Co-Founder of Accelare

Get in touch with our friendly team.

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